Come Fly With me, come fly away!

If you are looking for something delicious to throw in the freezer for quick breakfasts/snacks or to simply cozy up with to watch movies you have come to the right place! Everyone who has tried these delicious banana bread muffins always raves about the recipe and the best part, it is super easy to make!

This recipe was the one my mom used when I was growing up and truthfully it is the only banana bread I’ve ever made. Because, why fix what ain’t broke?!

As an added bonus for you to love me, these are adorable banana bread muffins are only 150 calories! If you’re counting calories with MyFitnesspal, here is the banana muffin recipe link. You are welcome!

This banana bread is unique in that it does have a mini science experiment about mid-way through but don’t let that scare you away. You are simply going to dissolve your baking soda in some hot water and then pour the mixture into the batter. To be completely honest, I am not 100% sure the effect it creates but I suspect it is to help activate the baking soda to enhance the fluffiness. I’ll do some more research and update the reasoning…maybe. 😉
Before diving into how to make these I will mention you can make this banana bread in loaf form, if you do this you will need to heat your oven to 375F and bake for 45 minutes versus what is listed below.

What are you gonna need?

Glad you asked! You will need the following to make these fluffy banana bread muffins:



  • Eggs
  • 1/2 cup shortening  
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 3 tbsp hot water
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour, divided in half
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • large ripe bananas (I often use 4)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
LEt’s get started:
Step 1

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Step 2

Beat eggs well with mixer or in pedestal mixer.

Step 3

Mix in shortening  and sugar

Step 4

Dissolve baking soda in hot water and mix with sugar mixture.

Step 5

Add 1 cup of flour and salt. Beat well.

Step 6

Add mashed bananas, 1 cup of flour and vanilla.

Step 7

Mix batter until smooth but be careful not to over mix. 

Step 8

Divide batter into greased muffin pan. I use an ice cream scoop to create even muffins.

Step 9

Bake for 20 minutes at 350F. Start checking on the muffins after about 16 minutes. Pay attention to how they small and the coloring of the muffins.

If you make this recipe or have suggestions on modifications, let me know! I’d love to hear your thoughts/inputs!

I can’t wait for you to try this easy banana bread muffin recipe!

If you want to try another one of my tried and true recipes try out these insanely chewy and delicious chocolate chip cookies!